Our Mission
Valais Blacknose
(Known as the cutest sheep in the world)
Southern California breeder of Valais Blacknose and Babydoll Southdown sheep. We breed quality, well socialized sheep that make outstanding breeders and pets. We spend a lot of time taking our sheep out into the public, halter breaking / leash training our sheep to make them easy to handle and maintain.
Sarah's Sheep started the Valais Blacknose breed-up program in 2020. We used imported 100% Valais Blacknose semen to LAI (Laparoscopic artificial insemination) our ewes to produce First generationF1 (50% Valais), second-generation is an F2 (75% Valais) and F3 (88% Valais). We hope in the fall of 2024, to accomplish fourth generation F4 (94% Valais), and then lastly, the fifth generation is an F5 (97% Valais). Valais Blacknose are known for their gentle and kind demeanor making them exceptional pets.
We are happy to announce that we have invested in a Pure bred 100% Valais Ram, Valhalla, who will help get us to American Purebred Valais sooner.

F1 (50%)

F2 (75%)

F3 (88%)

Interested in a lamb of your own? Lambs are due February 2024. F2 and above percentage lambs will be recorded or registered with VBSS.
Please inquire. 909-367-1365 call / text
Babydoll Southdown Sheep
(Smiling Sheep)
Babydoll Sheep are small and compact making them some of the hardy and easiest sheep to handle. Babydoll Sheep are the best for children and first time sheep owners due to their size and docile personality. Our sheep are white, cream or black and NOW SPOTTED! Babydolls range from 18-24” tall & 70-120lb.